January 7, 2025

Astrology for January 8, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 7, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for January 8, 2025

The Moon in Taurus takes comfort in the familiar. We want to fall into the routines that give us comfort and a sense of belonging. So, today is perfect for being home and doing the work that seems necessary and practical. We want to make sure our life has a meaning and a purpose. When we feel that knowing it is like a structure, it gives a building strength and substance. As long as we focus on what needs to be done and our mind in a more practical sense, we will feel as if we are making headway.

Mercury goes into Capricorn, and it will be there until January 27th. This adds to the grounded focus of the Moon, and they work together quite well today. They both want to keep a sober and strong mind. They both want to concentrate on each step necessary to accomplish a goal. Order matters, and we need to get things more organized because we have limited energy to work with, and we want to get certain pieces done that are relevant to what we intend to accomplish this year.

With all this earth energy, remember not to be arrogant and a “know-it-all.” Rigidity will come across as criticism.

Later in the day, Chiron and the Sun will square, and that can mean that we feel as if, in some way, we are taking a hit. Confidence may waver, and we may feel more vulnerable and indecisive. Don’t look too far out into the world because it will only worsen this feeling. Keep your focus close to home. Deal with yourself and those in your immediate vicinity. While the world will spin out of control this year, it does not need to take you along for the ride.

Work on vulnerability and authenticity. That will be more than enough for today.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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