June 30, 2024

Astrology for July 1, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 30, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 1, 2024

There is a peaceful pause that comes with the Moon still moving through Taurus. We want the reliable and things that support what matter the most to us. Family being at the top of that list. The Moon and Mars connect today and that adds intensity to the already strong emotions that are running through our world. Just don’t let the impulsive side of Mars make you do something that you will regret later. We want to get things done and feel as if we are more on top of things. There seems to be a lot on all our plates, and we must find how to do that from a steady heart and a strong intention. There is an underlying sense of urgency, and we struggle to find how to make our actions come from clarity rather than fear.

Today, this powerful Mars connects in a quintile to Mercury and that makes us seek answers to situations that are challenging to figure out. We know there is a solution … we just have to find it and figure out how to implement it.

Uranus and the Sun will semi-square this evening and so expect there to be continued dis-ease as we try to find pathways that just keep seeming to disappear just when we think we see them. It can feel as if someone is playing a game of keep-away with us. And it is irritating. We need to feel as if we have a handle on things but there keep being undercurrents that have an odd undertow that seem to be pulling us out into deep emotional waters. Things just keep feeling unstable and we want to figure out how to embrace change and allow in more options that give us a feeling that we can do what we dream, even when it feels as if the universe is playing games with our emotional state. This is why keeping to the plan and finding solutions that are simple are always a better way to go.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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