July 9, 2024

Astrology for July 10, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 9, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 10, 2024

The Moon in Virgo gives us a more earthy quality to this day. Work is important and completing things that really matter have a higher value to us today. We can accomplish a lot if we are willing to keep looking for those small things that will make the biggest difference in our life.

The energy is building up for July 15th  and we are all feeling the pinch. Just a reminder, on July 15th, Uranus and Mars will conjunct in Taurus. The Sun will also square to Chiron in Aries. It is a busy day, and this day has a kick and quite of bit of heat. Some will use this energy to want to lash out at others and that is not the way to handle this day wisely. It could be a very bad day because of environmental issues such as tornados, hurricanes, climate change, and the environment. Actions will be taken. We will have to see if those actions are just reactions or if they hold more potential to move humanity into a more caring and loving place. It will be important to stay grounded and the risk of mishaps and injuries increase during such times. So be careful. On a global level, something is about to explode. Just be aware and stay mindful. Just remember to expect the unexpected and to be prepared to be surprised.

In the meantime, we are trying to prepare ourselves for this big event. Today, the Sun will trine to Mercury. Then later it will biquintile with Saturn in Pisces. This is good while it is very demanding. There are things that just need to be done. And it feels essential that they happen now. So, let’s get to it. If you have the time, then there is no time to waste.

We need to change something, and that shift will ground us and allow us to feel more steady and as if we are preparing for our next grand adventure. Self-reliance is the key to responsible actions and choices. Take pride in what you are doing and make it the way you want it. It will help you shift the energies into something very new and wonderful.

While there are moments, we want to be wild and carefree, this aspect is more moderate and careful. We have what we need, and we can work with those things to create something that feels very new.

Things can feel tight financially, but we have to learn to work with limitations and not let them collapse our dreams.

There are many things that we just have to get done. Obligations keep calling to us and we have to focus on what is right in front of us.

But because this trine is in water signs, there is a lot of artistic and creative flow that can empower us to do something that seemed hard a few weeks ago. But today, it suddenly seems smoother and easy. That allows the tumultuous waters of the past few months to calm down and we are in the mood to be more helpful and considerate.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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