Astrology for July 12, 2024
The Moon has shifted into Libra and so now we look to the ways that will allow for how we find a better balance (mentally) in dealing with those that are completely out of balance in their own lives. We live in a world where anyone can say anything they want. We live in a world where false information is spread by those that believe these things that others say because they still are looking to find themselves and they use false information to bolster their own inner weaknesses, and insecurities.
What is tricky with this astrology is that we have to seek to find a solid place to stand without compromising our principles or the core values of our country. This Moon is in a direct conflict with the power of Pluto. These two are in opposition and the tension is mounting. Be careful as to what you will rigidly hold onto because there are those out there that will offer something just to get your resolve to soften or break, only to snatch that thing they offered right out from underneath you when you are vulnerable.
We are mounting towards a massive confrontation in a few days astrologically. If you are feeling uncomfortable, upset at what is happening and old fears are surfacing, you are not alone. Much is about to be revealed and most of it will be shocking and bring forth how deep the dysfunction goes and the levels to which some will stoop to manipulate others.
Some are going to be feeling strained to the point that their triggers around betrayal, abandonment, and shame and going to go off all at the same time. When all three of these are triggered at the same time by events, we get forms of PTSD. Now, I know that many of you are already feeling as if that is what you have right now. And me saying that it is going to get worse in a few days is enough to make you want to throw your hands in the air and scream!
Well, just so you know, I am right there with you! But we must keep moving forward. We must refuse to let those in positions of power pull us backward. Our potential is always ahead of us, and that potential is tapped into when we are willing to let the past go and embrace new ways. Just do not fall for old ways disguised and repackaged as something new.
This unstable Moon aligns with the South Node, and it seems that our self-confidence is lacking, and doubt is creeping in. Don’t let the “bas*ards” get you down!
At least Jupiter trining the Moon later today will give us some mental expansion lessons that will probably help our perspective in the long run.
~Suzanne Wagner~