July 15, 2024

Astrology for July 15, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 15, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 15, 2024

As we are asked to dance a new jig with this wild astrology, know that we are only at the beginning of the many waves that intend to pull on things in impassioned and erratic ways. We have entered into a time where there will be abrupt changes that seem to knock over the game board. Having warned about this aspect for a while, and telling everyone to expect something unexpected, we were all surprised by the events that unfolded over the past few days. Just know that this aspect is not remotely done with us yet.

Things are happening and we are seeing powerful forces for change unfolding all around us. Those that need to feel powerful will feel emboldened to be more aggressive, angry, and want to promote more fear.

Those that need to feel more awake and conscious now see that they will need to work independently to get there. We are being tested to hold our center regardless of what is happening in the world. What we can learn … is how to act instead of react. There are many that want to find honest and honorable ways to move right now.

Others will want to push back and against what they feel is intolerable. Everyone needs to be very careful and recognize that reacting from places of impatience will only make things worse.

Anger can boil over and so we are not done with the sudden things that will continue to happen. Our world is sitting on a powder keg and a fuse was lit by those that employ manipulation and fear as the match to destroy instead of create.

Remember, it is always easier to destroy things than to create things of great beauty, power, and longevity.

Chiron and the Sun will square this morning and it can pull up old fears from deep inside our core. The energy today is disruptive. Nothing is going to smooth over that storm brewing on the horizon. We can see the storm as it is now in our sights. We will have to make some decisions and every choice from this point forward till April of next year is going to either contribute to seeding more discord and doubt or move us towards being willing to do what is necessary to protect and defend what is good in our world.

There are many that believe they have a better approach and many ideas. Under this astrology, I would beg to differ. What is clear … is that nothing is clear. Nor will it be clear for a while.

A monstrous genie was let out of the box by a terrible person and now that dark energy has been unleashed.

Each person will react in their own way. Each person will either learn to embrace their own darkness and transform it into something of value or they will allow that shadow to consume them and make them feel a victim to the current toxic environment.

Do your best to make well thought through choices with Saturn quincunx to Mercury. Many will feel as if their anxiety is escalating and getting out of control. In the world of communication know that most are not listening because of all the noise inside. It is not that they are intentionally blocking you, they are just overwhelmed and overloaded because of the Uranus/Mars conjunction. Pretty much everything feels reactive and not rational. Try not to take things personally. I know it will be hard.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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