July 15, 2024

Astrology for July 16, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 15, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 16, 2024

The disruptive energies continue to plague us all and we are here to remember to stay tuned to the many challenging details that will unfold over the next many months. We are not remotely out of this war zone of chaos and make no mistake it has become a war zone.

With the Moon in Scorpio until this evening, feelings are heightened, and dramas can be the result. Look deep inside to what is motivating your actions. Make sure they are aligned with the self that you are reaching to become.

This astrology is a doozy and with this Scorpio Moon engaged with Neptune, Saturn, and the Sun but also challenging Mercury and the Uranus/Mar conjunction, let’s just say, the intensity is unprecedented.

There are those desperate to do as many power-grabs as they can and others that want to doggedly go into resistance. What is clear is that the path ahead on our quest is fraught with many hidden perils that we cannot see quite yet. We may not see them until we are right on top of them or reacting in the moment to them.

This evening the Moon will go into Sagittarius, and we are looking for something new to distract ourselves from this drama. Any distraction is a form of relief from the news. This Moon will sextile to Pluto and that adds a bite to our already determined attitude.

Remember to stay calm and to stay kind.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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