July 16, 2024

Astrology for July 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 17, 2024

The Sagittarius Moon is trying to pull some of this negativity around. It may feel like trying to pull a container ship with a tugboat. But notice that you can pull a container ship with a tugboat. The trick is to go slow and steady. We are here to turn these terrible events into something positive. And it will take time. Remember to keep hope alive. In this moment to do that, we will need to keep the long view and ignore the short-sightedness of others.

Those that react rarely can entertain that longer view. It takes self-discipline in order to do that. Do not let yourself fall into the emotional quagmires of despair and hopelessness.

What we need is a change in routine. Get out and about. Do things that will allow you to find the good in the world because the negative is way too obvious and wants to swallow up anything that tries to inspire and uplift. While optimism is preferred, do not neglect that fact that there are weaknesses that need to be addressed.

The Moon in opposition to Jupiter in Gemini tonight will give us an ability to pull energy from our future selves and into this moment. Seems perfect for some meditation time.

I suggest sitting quietly with your favorite calming music and imagining that there is a tunnel of light from the future opening up before you. Imagine that you see yourself from 10 years into the future coming through to be with you. Notice how he or she looks, notice the inner knowing and wisdom they carry, notice how centered they are and how they hold themselves. Then ask them, “What do I need to know about this moment that will help me become you in the future? What do you know about this moment that you can share with me? If you could tell me three things that would help me move through this moment gracefully, what would they be?”

Then listen closely and follow the advice.

I believe that the past and future selves can give us insight and wisdom if we are willing to be open and to move off our old positions.

We are in a time of transition, because of that, know that this is not the time to make big decisions but instead to recognize that too much is in flux for clarity. Don’t stretch yourself too thin. We are going to need to find how to move with the resources we currently have before we launch into any grandiose ideas. Keep your head on straight, don’t go wandering off into illusion, and stay grounded.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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