July 17, 2024

Astrology for July 18, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 17, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 18, 2024

There is much in play, and it will continue to be so for many months to come. While we feel a strength inside and a powerful energy trying to move through us, we also know that we are going to have to make our own choices.

Mars goes into parallel with Uranus and while one is warlike, power-driven, and unwilling to back away from a fight … the other plans on showing us many things that we cannot see, cannot fathom, and have not yet the ability to comprehend. That last statement is going to be the theme for the next many months. Mark my words! The world and current situations are not following a predictable thread of familiarity. Quite the contrary. We are going to see things exposed, unfolding, and unraveling that are going to astound you.

Venus is also going to catch up and parallel them tomorrow and this will add a dose of inventive originality, but it can also make things explode.

In case you did not notice, we are all sitting on a powder keg of explosives. I have no doubt that it is going to get set off, the only question is when. That is why we all need to be ready as to what that is going to look like. We are living in a cosmic conflagration that is going to surprise everyone.

With Uranus and the Sun sextiling, we are going to feel waves of massive change and just like a tsunami, the waves will keep getting bigger rather than smaller. Seems our adaptation skills are going to be tested. Know that this is the only way to know how prepared you are going to be moving forward.

Listen with your heart and love with your hands. Actions will speak louder than words.

There is a trend under this astrology to attempt to form coalitions that will support us in working together towards a common goal. What is clear is that we cannot do it alone.

Jupiter will semi-square the Sun and the one drawback is that you can overestimate your reserves of energy. Just know that you might discover that you are more deeply exhausted than you know. Whatever you attempt to try, know that you need to do it from a place of fun, play and allowing. Pushing will end up making things get stuck. No one is in the mood for a demanding attitude and someone with unreasonable expectations.

The theme today is to be sensitive to others but to not let them place responsibilities on you that are not yours.

Chiron and Mercury will trine today and that allows us to connect deeply and from a place of real feelings. The theme with this is constructive conversations that lead to healing. Know that most are a bit overly sensitive right now. Pick your words after they were filtered through the heart. It is with kindness that we can create a new start. Instead of talking about the obvious, talk about the intentions that you want to embody. That allows for some new approaches to filter in. When we come from the intention of connection rather than right or wrong, a more decent and constructive conversation is possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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