July 18, 2024

Astrology for July 19, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 18, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 19, 2024

Early this morning the Moon will move into the determined sign of the goat, Capricorn. It will help to set some goals and then constructively move towards them.

With the Moon in our pocket, it will allow us to embrace the struggles and to understand that while Mercury is attempting to find a way to constructively connect with Jupiter and Neptune, we have to see that our spiritual side requires us to take action, speak up, and address the conversations that some want to ignore and put to the side.

There are moments when the most honest and compassionate thing to do is to repeatedly tell the truth and back it up with everything one has.

Ridiculous lines of division are being drawn that hold no substance, while real issues get undermined and those that want to control the masses try to tear down anything that will awaken the people and get them to rise up against the enslavement that they have planned.

Boundaries collide in conflict and those that lean into hate … believe in their righteousness regardless of the terrible suffering they are inflicting on others.

Venus will run parallel with Uranus and Mars. Then it will trine with the North Node. To say that things feel as if a taser is coming at us fully charged … is an understatement. There are those that will ruthlessly use that taser on anyone they can until the battery’s runout.

It is best to step way back from such people. Their insistence is a ploy to cause more suffering and harm. We have to be awake enough to not let them near us.

Some will use the energy from a place of rage. Others will want to try to find creative solutions. The key is to remember that impulsive actions will cause more harm than good. Well-designed strategies need to be employed that support the core values of each person. Cooperation comes from a willingness to change.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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