July 21, 2024

Astrology for July 22, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 21, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 22, 2024

We continue with the fact that there is still a lot going on in the astrological world. And the intensity is going to continue to ratchet up, so we are all going to need powerful coping skills in order to walk the ways of the peaceful warriors in this time.

Venus and Saturn will biquintile while Mars decides to do the same with both of them. Let’s just say there is a lot going on beneath many surfaces and if you feel as if you are standing on quicksand concerned about your next step, you are not wrong. We are here to learn the difference between blind devotion and respected loyalty. What is clear is that many sacrifices are going to be made and much will be asked of us going forward.

The problem is that patience is a commodity that is becoming scarce and regardless of how well prepared we think we are … we cannot anticipate these next steps that will unfold because there are going to be some things that are global catastrophes over the next year, and some that are man-made. And some are so bizarre that no one would have guessed that such things could even unfold. Do your best to prepare and remember that we will be called to come together and perhaps that will bring out the best in us.

As the Sun moves into the powerfully radiant sign of Leo, we seem almost desperate to play and to find a way to express ourselves. Our personal power needs to express itself in unique ways that allow us to stand out and to shine. There is a deep feeling that we don’t need to belong to a group, but we need to fully come into who we came to be. We want to stop feeling as if we need to apologize for doing what we know is right for us.

But with this bright light that is shining during the time of Leo, we will also see things that we perhaps did not want to see and let’s just say the darkness and shadows will not be able to hide from the glaring, bright lights that this powerful Sun intends to shine upon all things.

Some will want to push their opinion out loudly and proclaim victory prematurely. Don’t count on that type of audacious proclamation. Only an idiot would think they know how this will unfold. We are going to see the display of the “Bonfire of the Vanities” in full force.

This powerful Sun opposing Pluto in Aquarius will show us everything inside that is unhealed and making us uncomfortable. There is nowhere to hide from what you are experiencing and no easy way out. Placeboes will not work and there is no one to rescue us from ourselves.

Such moments signal times of rapid growth as we cannot use our old ways to avoid what is arising. There is too much heat and fire inside and outside. Nature is showing us what is happening inside that we have been trying to avoid. While this is a very good thing, it can make some defensive, reactive, on edge, and some downright dangerous. Those that feel the victim to their circumstances might wonder if they are on the wrong path. The internal battles between the good and the bad inside us is clearly manifesting externally.

The overall theme is one that calls to our anger and our gut reaction to those that intend to arrogantly take our freedoms away from us. Those that fear the most have allowed their anxiety and lack of self-confidence to take control. The only way through is to get so fired up and angry that we all come together and refuse to let specific groups and individuals to take away the world that was given and promised to us.

If we cannot find the courage to do that … then perhaps we do not really see the value of what our forebearers offered and we deserve what comes.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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