July 22, 2024

Astrology for July 23, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 22, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 23, 2024

Still feeling the powerful fluxuations of this last Full Moon. But as big as that shift was, the energy transferences was even bigger.

With the Moon now in Aquarius but shifting into emotional Pisces this morning, we move from the expanding perspective of Aquarius energy into the emotional depth of this most sensitive Moon. This can magnify emotions on both sides of the coin. Some will begin to erupt and lash out. Especially those that hold bias, prejudice, bigotry, and hate. For others it will open up a potential that has been waiting for the right moment in time to bloom. And with it a new seed of hope becomes planted and seems ready to expand. Right now, we all need a bit of good news and this sliver of hope has a powerful call to it. But our hearts also know and are braced for the onslaught of venom that we know is coming.

Venus and Neptune will sesquiquadrate and the positioning of everyone is still solidly in place. Minds are not going to be shifted right now if anyone is in an extreme position. On one level there is a bright light of a possibility that is coming into play. On another the details of what and how things are going to unfold is still going to be a mystery. Because of so much that continues to be in flux, you would be wise to postpone things that are important until the dust begins to clear.

Venus and Vesta come together and it can feel a bit inspired with what is happening right now. We feel a greater meaning and hope that this uplift is the divine working in a powerful and positive way.

We are being asked to make a choice and to commit to the process as it unfolds. Know that the road ahead is rough and steep. Plan your energy expenditures accordingly. There is so much still that needs to be done.

Mars and the Sun will parallel and we feel pushed from behind by some divine force to get up and get going. Decisions come from a place that feels more certain and solid. We seem to have a moment where we reclaim our mojo.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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