July 24, 2024

Astrology for July 25, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 24, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 25, 2024

The Moon finishes up in sensitive and perceptive Pisces and moves into Aries this morning. Before it does, it swings into an emotional conjunction with Neptune. It might be easy to respond in a snappish way. Best to step away than regret something you might say later.

Mercury also shifts into meticulous Virgo today and it will quincunx to Neptune as well. Emotions run high and the chance that they might sneak out our mouth are also high. If we speak before we think, you will notice that your reactive choice will probably not be the best. In fact, it might take the wind out of your sails and make you double down on doubt. It might be hard to keep thinking and responding in an amicable manner. Things seem highly uncertain, and we know that the illusions out there in the world want to confuse us and make us feel as if it is difficult to find a way to say what we feel without stepping in the mud. This aspect loves it when someone’s words are precise and accurate. Being able to effectively communicate takes great skill, intellect, and an ability to make sequences that seem rational and sequential. While Mercury will retrograde back into Leo in August. For the moment … details will matter more than the pomp and ceremony that people will try to bluster and use to sway the public. In fact, the public now wants the details. All the details. We want to know what are the intentions of others and be able to have a clear perspective. If you need to organize, this is the perfect time to do just that. Share factual information. Sharing does matter in the long run.

The more aware we can be the less muddied we will feel.

Mars and the Sun are moving in powerful and decisive ways. We feel inspired to take actions that finally feel more empowering. Movement is happening with less effort and we imagine that we can feel a better flow. Things move in a less forced fashion and we are more ready, willing, and able to move forward in whatever way presents for us.

On many levels, we feel as if things are resetting. Because of that we are feeling inspired and willing to put that extra effort in. We are here to address problems with a new insight and perspective.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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