July 2, 2024

Astrology for July 3, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 2, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 3, 2024

There is a theme that is pulling on us from many directions. The astrology is not going to let us go until we have shifted in some major ways. I find such a thing very interesting as many people are having complex layers of challenges that they seem to be navigating.

I say this so you know that you are not alone. I am sure many wonder about the “olden days” where there was just not this much demand on us. Days where we could sit back and relax and not have something that desperately needed to be done. Finding time (right now) to grab a moment of peace and tranquility is essential for our sanity. It must come from designated moments where we set aside the 20 or 40 minutes to meditate. And if you are not doing that yet, I am sure you are trying to figure out a way to do it in your own way.

The Moon in Gemini keeps trying to help us make things seem more of a curiosity rather that than a chore. We want a moment when things seem to lighten up, and we feel as if we can laugh and not feel so serious. This Gemini Moon continues to try to make us see past the conflicts and into the connections that really matter.
But the Pluto opposing Mercury just does not want to make anything easy.

I am sure inside something is asking, “Does life really have to be this hard?” I remind you that every day, you get up and start trying again. Even when you feel broken down by life and from the challenges you are currently having.

That is why each person is a warrior at heart. Warriors get exhausted and want to quit. Some days what is being asked of us seems impossible. But notice that each day you stand back up, try again, and continue on. Bravo!

Today, notice what is just past the superficial things that keep waffling. If something just won’t land and stabilize it means that it is not ready, or we are not ready. Don’t try to figure everything out. Most things have to unravel in their own time and in their own way. Certain things can’t be forced.

Venus and the Sun will move into a parallel and that allows us (later in the day) to feel more in a cooperative mindset. Then Jupiter and Mercury will do the same. Adding a healthy dose of positive energy and giving us insight to what we can’t seem to understand.

Remember that everyone is feeling so much at this time. Give everyone more wiggle room than normal. Do not crowd into people or be in their faces. Too many have a very short fuse at this time. Best not to put yourself in the line of fire.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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