July 3, 2024

Astrology for July 4, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 4, 2024

The Moon will shift out of social Gemini and into kind and considerate Cancer this afternoon. We will feel as if it is time to circle the horses (metaphorically). This means we focus on family and the needs of those we love. It is time to nurture our roots and to move in arenas that are safe and familiar.

The asteroid Juno is trining Mars today. Juno is named after the Roman Goddess of Marriage and the protector of women. We can organically see that Juno wants fairness, compromise and a natural give and take. But Mars will care for none of that. It wants what is wants and is a dominantly masculine sign. In our external world we see the conflicts happening between the restrictions around women’s rights and issues and how men believe they have some insane right over a woman’s body. Juno makes us feel as if we are all having to do many tasks all at once and get on top of everything that is being asked of us. That is a lot to ask. Add to that Mars is fiercely determined and arrogantly demanding of our attention and time.

To say this combination is volatile is an understatement. Juno wants to have a discussion and Mars wants to be right and get it done their way. Notice how that seems to reflect how things are going in your world as well. If the Mars need to be right could just calm down, perhaps a better middle ground could be found. But honestly, I don’t want to hold my breath around this one. It seems so easy to read someone’s agenda at this time. Currently, it does not take a psychic to tell you what is really going on inside someone’s mind. The battle lines are drawn, and we are looking to see how to proceed without someone firing the first shot and setting off a cascading cataclysm.

Mercury and Saturn are in a hypersensitive state of mind, and it feels as if there are those that are not being helpful even though they believe they are just pointing out the obvious. Currently it is easy to see such help as criticizing.

Channeled properly this can be very helpful in trying to edit things, find errors, and figuring out what really is needed. Seems today is a day to be conscious of all our choices and all of our relationships. Give space and allow others the opportunity to express what matters to them without falling into needing to correct them.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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