July 7, 2024

Astrology for July 8, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 7, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for July 8, 2024

The Moon in Leo asks us to be bold and brave. This Moon asks us to take pride in our creations and to find a way to courageously take the next step. Why not go for it? You have worked so hard to get to this point. Don’t let fear stop you now after all you have done. Go ahead and take the risk. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Uranus (the planet of revolution, revelation, and change), will sextile to Venus (the planet of love, beauty, negotiation, and diplomacy). This adds a bit of tobacco to that Bloody Mary you are wanting to drink. It might be just the right combination to bring the best out in flavor and in yourself. We are innovative and willing to socially leap into a new territory. Go for it.

We are driven to find out things about ourselves that have yet to be tested. But now it is time to try. This is excellent for those things that are romantic, in entertainment, or that have the potential to change the course of your financial future. Great things require great risk. Now is that moment.

How we express ourselves is important in the world. How we share who we are is what life is all about anyway. It is time to reach out of our comfort zone and let the past insecurities go so we can discover that the thing we have inside that is so precious to us … might be more precious to others than we realized.

There are many out there that want to find the beauty in something new and different.

Mercury and Uranus will parallel and then move with Jupiter and the North Node today in a very friendly manner. It is time to embrace our newly evolving self. We need to grow, and we need to move forward. If you are offering something fresh and unique, then it is important to know how to embrace that fully. Because of all this change, old routines can feel constrictive.

Mercury and Jupiter seem to play well together and that allows us to be more optimistic and grateful for what has unfolded and where we are right now.

Stay awake to the shifting tides of life at this time and it is important to stay positive and to take a more open approach to what is happening in this world. Shortly everything could change. Are you ready?

~Suzanne Wagner~

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