June 16, 2024

Astrology for June 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 17, 2024

The Moon tips off the highwire of Libra and allows us to dive head-first into the often murky and shark infested waters of Scorpio very early in the morning. When you wake-up, expect to want answers and quickly. Expect choices and decisions to expand inside your mind to give you a deeper insight as to what is really going on.

Knowing is a good thing but that can expose the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that are happening all around us.

People will be more on an edge and if one is too determined to get their point across you might just trigger more of an upset rather than less. Such emotional intensity does not allow for calm conversations. It instead creates some leaping to conclusions and having a difficult time comprehending and understanding situations.

The chance of creating more tensions are high as most have an underlying tone of suspicion and assuming that everyone has some sort of agenda.

It should become clear with this astrology and Scorpio Moon that while we mentally think we are ready and grown up enough to handle this next step, instead our vulnerabilities are exposing themselves in ways that show us where we are still acting childish and resistant.

Venus and Mercury both enter Cancer today and that at least gives a bit of support to finding more protective communication strategies. What is clear is that we have a softening of our heart, and we want to express more love not less. This will allow us to look at our feelings more objectively and find the hiccup in our thinking that keeps pulling us down and into dysfunction rather than more mature approaches to rational problem-solving.

Remember, compliments go further than criticisms. See the positive intent behind the exhaustion of others.

Clearly, they are trying very hard. Give others the benefit of the doubt and allow more magic into the space by being supportive rather than needing to make a point.
Even with this intense Scorpio Moon we want to find a cooperative balance as harmony is the priority.

Mercury and Venus will quincunx to Pluto today and tomorrow giving us the insight to finally lay out a workable plan.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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