June 17, 2024

Astrology for June 18, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 17, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 18, 2024

The Scorpio Moon adds a bit of energetic fury into having more fun. Intensity is alluring and pulls on our attention. It can be fun to see behind the facades of others. It can make for an expansive day as we allow this moon to unveil what has been hidden from sight.

Pluto and Venus will quincunx and there can be a tendency to question things. Old ideas as well as new input. Because of that uncertainty, we might want to wait before we make any major decisions.

The puzzle of life is moving around on the table and right now we are not sure where the pieces fit. Best to allow things to settle before making any command decisions.

Today, we may notice old fears surfacing. Things that you believed were finished seem to rear back up. It can be frustrating because it disrupts many things that seem very important.

This Scorpio Moon is also illuminating where we are deceiving ourselves. But this Moon will trine to Saturn later in the day and that gives us a bit of stability and that seems to calm down the emotional upheavals. The game in life is always to find a way to balance the real world (Saturn) with our emotional state (Moon in Scorpio). Once we figure that out, everything will feel much better.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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