June 20, 2024

Astrology for June 21, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 21, 2024

The Sagittarian Moon is filled with optimistic potential and possibilities. Social situations are heightened and all day we are being pulled to find those souls who remember who we were when we were younger and help us rekindle the creative fires in our hearts. It can be a very powerful day.

Later in the day, the Moon will go into Capricorn this evening and we must get back to business. But while we have this lovely Sagittarian Moon … enjoy the moment. Take many pictures and remember how many people really love you.

Mercury and Mars will sextile and that helps us be honest and truthful. We feel as if there are many interesting and stimulating conversations happening. We are more excited and animated when with others. New ideas and insight are rushing in, and it is very exciting. Being with others is of high importance and by being together we feel as if we are learning and somehow, we are also magically teaching.

We are in a time where we are more alert and find new resources to be able to connect in ways that allow our focus to be strong and our conversations to be deep.

We will have a Capricorn Full Moon today in the evening. It is a time when we remember that balance between our inner self and the outer world is becoming more important. Capricorn reminds us of our responsibilities and to know that we are going to be required to act in more grounded ways where we show that we are mature enough to handle what is coming our way. This Full Moon is giving us a push to pay attention to the details because it is the small things that can break us down when we least expect it.

We need to remember that it is essential to figure out how to balance our work and our life.

The Moon will square to Neptune and that is a warning around any forms of self-deception. For others it might create a shattering of some old illusion and that can be scary and painful.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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