June 24, 2024

Astrology for June 25, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 24, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 25, 2024

The Moon in Aquarius continues to give us much to contemplate. We are seeing things that had previously escaped our reality. Not all of it is good. But waking up is a very hard thing to do. What is clear is that we seek a new expression for how we want to move and operate in this world. We seek another identity. One that is more aligned with our greater purpose … rather than our narrow-minded ego.

But inside and outside there are forces in play that make parts of ourselves hunker down and try to resist the potent forces of change.

It will fail.

That is because the tide has astrologically turned and there is no going back. This feeling of inevitability is causing some to feel antsy and as if they no longer have control over their reality.

The truth is that they are discovering that they have no inner self-control and because of that, they now feel as if they are a ship without a rudder and that has placed them where they are now. And that is at the whim of others distorted reality and their projection of a delusional world that they cannot see that would be utter chaos.

The Moon continues to square Uranus and this can make unstable people unpredictable and want to go for something radically different … just because they long and yearn for something new.

Just know that if you allow your impulses to control your reality, you may feel momentarily excited, but such unpredictable choices only lead to more folly. While I know everyone longs for situations to change so that we can feel more excited about our life and can feel a sense of abandon. The truth is that we cannot escape what is going to be asked of us going forward.

There is an emptiness inside our soul that longs for something … anything to fill it up. Just be very careful that you do not go on some binge behavior that will cause more problems than they might be worth.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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