June 27, 2024

Astrology for June 28, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 28, 2024

This morning the Moon will be in Aries, animating us to take risks, and to be bold. Our individuality matters a lot and we know that things are up to us to change so we know that we need to rely on our ingenuity to make things happen. We recognize that we cannot depend on others, but we can depend upon ourselves.
Astrologically today, there is plenty going on. Mercury will semi-square with the expansive planet Jupiter. Then Mercury will also square with Chiron and so it seems that we have some choices to make. Those choices are running around in our head and that can add a pinch of anxiety into the mix or make us feel pushed to get things done. What is clear is that we are attempting to make sense out of something and it feels important for our healing and well-being. While its importance seems crucial, it will be important to not inflate words or actions. Keep yourself as honest as possible. We do not need to cause anyone to push negativity in our directions. Because of this intensity, we can feel mentally a bit troubled and so we may not take feedback well. If given an option, tell others that today is not the day for you to be able to receive their opinions at this time.
What we need is a bit more time. And that is what we feel as if we don’t have. But just know that the more time you take with this endeavor, the better off it will be.
The big benevolent planet, Jupiter is moving into a semi-square with Chiron, do know that our choices right now, might need more time to settle and percolate. Rushing will work against you. Our intuitive knowing is not properly dialed in at this time and so don’t blindly trust what is happening because there is a risk of blindly going the wrong way.
Mars and Venus will also sextile and while this is a lovely aspect promoting enthusiasm and attraction, be careful about jumping in with both feet. Again, our instinct is not really clear at this time. But it can be fun to feel so passionately involved in something. Just remember that connecting with others does not mean giving away your own autonomy. This aspect can work well with work situations and business agreements, just make sure the paperwork is in order and double check the fine print.
But today, we can feel very seen and others may see us as graceful, attractive, and charming. We may feel as if our unique qualities are finally being seen.
Because we are in the Last Quarter of the Moon, with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon squaring in Aries, we can take an objective look at our past choices and see what needs to be addressed. This can cause a few upsets and add a dose of tension into the works. Try to not make a big deal out of needing to reassess a few things. This is normal at this time and not personal.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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