June 29, 2024

Astrology for June 30, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 29, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 30, 2024

Today, the Aries Moon asks us to take heart and to have courage, because this morning that Moon shifts into a more grounded and practically minded place of Taurus. I am sure all of us feel as if we do need a break from the bombastic places of the aggressive energies of Aries. And this morning things will feel as if they lift up a bit.

Mars (the planet of energy, gumption, and drive) intends to move positively with the asteroid Ceres. I hope this gives us a bit more energy to keep going and moving towards what is important and essential. We will need to put our family first and look to what is going to be asked of us in the very near future. The more we know how to take care of ourselves the better off we will be. This is how we find what is necessary for us going forward. We know that each soul must find their path. Each soul is working out their own karma and lessons. Most lessons cannot be taught they must be experienced to become fully integrated. If you haven’t noticed, telling others what they are to believe and do will not change the constructs and defense postures that others have around their mind. And minds will defend what they want and need to believe over the sincere love and connection that others can offer. But it is important to allow each person their path. We cannot know the next important lessons for each soul. That is why love is the key and kindness is the path.

I find the choice is a simple one. What do you want to protect in this world? I will always choose to protect those that try to do good in the world. That is all. To me it is simple. The kind people of the world are often hit the hardest and the terrible people of the world have forever tried to tear down those that want to support a better world and balance. Humanity too frequently leans towards those that stimulate reactivity rather than allow those voices of reason and peaceful intentions to have the floor.

Chiron and Jupiter continue to semi-square and let’s just say that we keep trying to see past our projections and assumptions. Many of us have decided to stop trying to make sense out of the current patterns of chaos, we are just trying to ride these stormy waves with the intention to do good in our world, knowing that there are many that won’t.

We live in a world were too many believe things that are going to make all of life challenging. The human mind is a thing that is easy to confuse and conflate. That is why seeking peaceful solutions internally is the only sane answer.

Today, be a person who does not care about what someone believes but instead looks to their actions and intentions. When we look deep inside and know that we must follow our own personal values, that is where we will find peace.

We may want to start up something new, but the truth is that it might be wiser to wait and carefully evaluate things before we leap. We are not in a position that has total clarity yet. Know that sitting back and waiting shows restraint and a mature mind. Don’t allow yourself to be goaded into actions before you are ready.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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