June 9, 2024

Astrology for June 6, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 9, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 6/10/2024

The Moon in Leo gives you more confidence and vitality. We are in the mood to make work more playful. We want others to see our light and we seem to have permission to shine brightly. Our thoughts seem to reflect our higher self rather than our human dysfunction and that feels much better.

Mercury will parallel the Sun making us have better focus and mentally we have a strong creative trend.
There is a Mars/Pluto square that also bounces off the Mercury and this can add a bit too much energy into the mix, causing anxiety to get stronger and to have us feel more impatient with others. Pay attention to what you say and how your body language either reflects your intentions positively or negatively.

Eye-rolling is ill-advised. It can cause others to snap hard at you, as the tension is too high today for such behavior.

All things today will take more time than planned. Don’t get stressed, try to flow in these hectic moments that may unfold. Notice those things that set your teeth on edge. It might be time to dig a little deeper to get to the bottom of what causes such behavior. Awareness of patterns allows us to be able to change them because we are not in reaction but are more conscious of those things that put us into states where we do not like our responses.

Be patient with others but even more patient with yourself. Though, sometimes, a bit of frustration at our own behavior can be a great motivation for change.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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