Astrology for March 12, 2025
While we are asleep, the Moon will go into the sign of health, work, and service, Virgo. Details matter more than ever and there is an illumination that allows us to see below the surface of this churned up and murky water with Neptune in Pisces at the end degrees.
Have you ever had those dreams where you are in dark and deep water, and something big keeps bumping into you. It can be very disconcerting and outright scary. Today, can feel like a walking dream or for some, a living nightmare.
Saturn and the Sun are in alignment and what that makes clear is that we must pay attention to what is going to be needed over the next many years. This is not a time for opulence but instead it is a time for caution and to not spend money frivolously.
That is causing quite a few plans to be reconsidered.
We do not have the emotional bandwidth to keep up this type of stress and strain. That is why we are going to need to find tools that allow us to maintain our own spiritual center in the midst of this maniacal storm.
Physically we are in a low place, and it feels as if more and more responsibilities keep piling up on our shoulders. Some are buckling under the pressures being loaded upon them.
It is best to move towards structures that will allow us to feel in control and as if we have a constructive plan that will work. The more practical the choices the better we will feel. This is not about keeping up with the expectations of others. This is about having behaviors and patterns that will give us stability and safety in a very unsafe moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~