March 20, 2025

Astrology for March 21, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 20, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for March 21, 2025

There is a fire in the Sagittarian Moon today that tries to bring us into a more playful perspective and gives us a more adventurous spirit. It is time to go on another quest. What that quest is about is something deeply personal to you and one that brings us to a place that is less about doing and more about being. Our focus will improve, and things seem to slot into a new place, but that place seems to be more aligned and congruent with who we are now to become.

Venus retrograde moves into another sextile with Pluto and we look at things with a fresh set of eyes and with the ability to maintain our intense focus and perspective better.

We are here to tear down the walls we built up that were protecting some old wounds, and we are going to now be willing to understand the deeper meanings of those moments not with eyes that blame but eyes that yearn to understand and come into a place of wholeness.

We see that those old walls stopped our authenticity from coming out into the world and it is time to stop buffering ourselves from knowing the deeper meaning of certain events in our lives.

No matter what the age you are … there is a sense that we are running out of time. Running out of time to allow our heart and passions to lead us into t new domain. Running out of time because it is essential to pursue pleasure with as much joy and wonder as is possible. It is time to approach this world from the place that we need to see each moment as potentially our last one. And if that is the case, what would change in our actions and choices if that were true?

In the drama of life we too often forget to relish these tangible moments. Today, see each moment as precious and do your best to connect deeply with others in the ways that will matter to the evolution of your soul.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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