Astrology for March 22, 2025
As we sleep the Moon will go into Capricorn and we are going to seek to understand the things that our own soul determines is where we are to be responsible. We clearly cannot take anything on that does not apply to ourselves or our immediate family at this time. There are too many things unraveling and every step seems new and different.
This Moon reminds us to look at things not from the places and expectations of the past but from the mature place that plans for whatever lies ahead. It should be clear that we just do not know what the future holds or what will be our path forward. We have to stay alert and highly flexible to this ever-shifting reality.
Currently, we are in-between eclipses and that feels like we are in a washing machine with rocks. While we want to finish something up, the truth is that the internalized stresses we feel … might be getting the better of us. We are heading towards the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th and this is not the time to start anything. In fact, it is a moment to wait on the will of heaven and to try to finish small things that are close to being complete.
Venus in retrograde does not allow us to have good perspective on relationships to which we are codependently attached and that we are probably supposed to let go of. This retrograde Venus will align with the Sun in Aries and then both of those planets will quintile to Jupiter. We are being asked to begin a new cycle. But one that allows us to see more clearly those in our past that are still a part of our karmic journey. There are moments right now that feel heavily weighted and fated. We seek to understand the meaning of certain people in our lives before we decide to leave this earth for another journey.
We are in a place where our charm may not be enough to make others happy or for them to be able to see our point of view. We are being asked to investigate the dark inside our own being and to heal through our willingness to feel those places inside that we keep avoiding. If we are doing things to self-medicate to avoid seeing something or telling ourselves the truth, those places are going to now get uncomfortably loud.
We are in a time where we are going to continue to define what we want and who we want along for our ride. We seek those that are willing to work in cooperation with others and we are in a mood to want to carefully trust only a very few.
~Suzanne Wagner~