Astrology for March 23, 2025
The Moon moves with the determination of Capricorn. We need to keep things simple and to do what we say. Follow through is important and consistency is how we build integrity and personal power. We are here to keep our mind calm, cool, and collected.
Stay focused on that aspect because by this evening there is an opposition with Mars that promises to try to get under our skin and to make us feel irritated. Notice the inherent boundaries of others and respect them. Even if they make no sense to you at the time. This is not the moment to push others to your way of thinking. Most are not going to have the willingness or the capacity to make the necessary changes at the moment. Remember, you can’t easily explain the color blue to a blind person.
The Sun will sextile Pluto and that helps us see that the revolution of our spirit is happening in some very interesting ways. Playful expressions become the doorway to depth and understanding. Connections with people come easier when you are really ready to move from an authentic place. We are feeling a new type of determination and dedication to who we are and what we came here to become. The goals that have always been at the center of your heart still exist and seek expression. Actions taken now to reach for that dream have a much better chance at success.
We are here to look for a path through the current landscape in which you find yourself. Trust the process. There is a path. You are probably on it. But it does not look the way your ego expected it to look. That is the clue that you are on the right path.
The more you look deep within, the more wealth and abundance you will find. Just remember that many are afraid to look into those shadowy mirrors and so your light can become so bright that you might manifest as that mirror for them when they are not ready. This is how in moments, it is wise to be invisible because discretion in knowing and understanding who and what you offer, is not something that everyone is ready for or are willing to integrate.
~Suzanne Wagner~