March 24, 2025

Astrology for March 25, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 24, 2025Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for March 25, 2025

As we inch towards Neptune leaving Pisces on the 31st, the emotional intensity ratches up. Try to stay calm and grounded. Do not let the mind pull you away from those things that really matter.

The Moon continues in Aquarius, and it seems that we must continue to look past the mind and into the meanings of things. Overview is what matters, and we are in a place where we will not be able to grow easily without perspective and overview from what is currently happening.

This Moon will move well with Jupiter, and we are inspired to grow in some new ways. But some of us have felt the shock of some personal realization that is happening at this time. And the process of integrating that new piece of insight has been a bit more complicated than we anticipated.

Mercury is still retrograde, and it will be in a sextile to Pluto. This makes us find a way to devise new ways to get to our goals. The many overlapping patterns seem to want to confuse us and so instead of trying to understand it all, simply try to find the truth that is calling to you and follow that.

Everything is going to require us to move and act with more depth. The surface suddenly does not appear so shiny and bright.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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