October 9, 2024

Astrology for October 10, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 9, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 10, 2024


Yes, we are feeling something. Perhaps it is the hurricane and the emotional upheaval from the upcoming election. All factors will apply. Add to that we are in the First Quarter of the Moon and it can feel like we just don’t know what to do or where to stand. We seem to need to do something … anything … but what?

Things feel more hit and miss than certain and stable. We are personally in enough stress that we pull away from others because we just don’t have the energy to give more at this moment. What is clear is that many have a lot going on and we just cannot take on anything else at this time. So, we instead try to detach and step back to somehow manage to keep some energy for ourselves.

Venus is busy dancing the quincunx with Jupiter and Chiron. This aspect makes an image of an arrow being pulled back in a bow. What is clear is that we will need to choose a direction before we release that arrow. Again, the issue is choice. We wish that choices were clear and concise. But in this current world, everything feels muddied and distorted.

Don’t get me wrong … there is a lot that is of concern. But worrying yourself into a tizzy is not going to help. Good choices come from objective reasoning. Not from reactive and impulsive reactions. Our emotions are stirred up just like this storm hitting Florida.

How are we this storm? Is it possible that our restlessness adds fuel to such atmospheric events? I do believe it is possible.

We want balance but this storm points again to the fact that we must address the imbalance first.

Today is an unsteady day. We feel out of sorts and confused as to what to do next.

Go slow. A lot is unraveling and with it will come a time to rebuild. But that day is not today.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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