October 10, 2024

Astrology for October 11, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 10, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 11, 2024


The Moon will shift out of Capricorn and into Aquarius midday. Another indication that we are being asked to pull together and to find a way to connect with others in meaningful ways.

After all, we are all in this together. When one is suffering … eventually it causes more to suffer. The Aquarian Age asks us to think past our own needs and comfort and instead move towards considering the whole rather than just our small part.

Unfortunately, Mercury will quincunx with Uranus today, and that can cause us to feel hard pressed to really get where others are coming from. Understanding requires us to be able to put ourselves in another’s shoes. If you cannot do that … you will make choices that are not well thought through and that cause more dysfunction because a chaotic mind cannot create anything of lasting value over time.

Pluto finally moves forward after its long and painful retrograde that tried to pull us back into those places that wanted to separate and divide us. But with this shift in direction, it can feel like a lurching forward in ways that are disquieting and give a terrible sense of foreboding.

I am clear that what comes over the next few weeks is going to shock everyone. This is going to be a time that we will talk about in political science classes for centuries. I know that what is coming … none of us have ever seen before.

If everything in your life feels intense, know that you are not wrong. This last cycle of Pluto going back into Capricorn has some hard lessons planned and now we are going to have to fight our way out of this life-sucking dysfunction to find a way to embrace the profound changes that are being asked of us.

Try to not feel as if the universe is out to get you. Try to not get negative about what will transpire. Remind yourself that you chose to be in this powerful time of transformation because you are here to help usher in a new reality that will be better for everyone and everything in this world.

I wish change could happen with less dysfunction, but the truth is that people have to be very miserable to finally let go of the old and find a way to embrace something new and unfamiliar.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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