October 11, 2024

Astrology for October 12, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 11, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 12, 2024


The Moon in Aquarius gives us the hope back from long forgotten dreams. We begin to see that when we come together the forces of darkness have little or no power any longer. As the seasons change and the darkness creeps in, we have an opportunity to rekindle the light from deep within.

Today is the first day where Jupiter and Chiron will sextile. It will do this another two times, once on November 2nd, and then again on May 18th, 2025. Jupiter brings a soothing benevolence and a faith and belief that we can change. Jupiter gives a tremendous amount of power and light to Chiron’s ability to heal this world and all those in it. Jupiter has the power to illuminate what is needed for that healing. Chiron has many tools with which to inspire us to embrace and educate ourselves in new ways that can transform this world out of this place of locked dysfunction and back towards spiritual evolution and the development of cognitive clarity that will help us move past our historical negative attitudes that have consistently undermined the progression of humanity towards a more peaceful world.

This aspect makes us hungry for another way to live. Another way to interact and another way for us to move into experiencing life not from constantly dealing with the healing that needs to happen because of mistakes and wounding, but from a place that is empowered by reaching for a more whole place of balance that can allow us to thrive.

Neptune and Mercury will quincunx and that is reason enough to not act today but to wait and see what is coming towards us. Something is lurking in the shadows. It is best to not reveal your position right now because those with mental disorganization are banking on your impatience and restlessness.

If you try to rush, you will reveal your own weakness and that will make you a target to those that want to tear down your faith and confidence.

The positions of Mercury and Saturn can make us a bit touchy around small things. Let’s just say that no one needs your opinion right now and anything you might say will be experienced as being critical and pointing out flaws. It is a good time though for perhaps editing work that is already established.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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