October 12, 2024

Astrology for October 13, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 12, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 13, 2024


Some days it just seems that there is a lot going on. Today is one of those days. This is why I love astrology. It helps me to make sense of what I am feeling and gives me a heads up so that I don’t think that I am crazy. It helps me instead understand the swirling parts and to make clearer and more concise choices with less emotional trauma drama.

Okay, lets sort out this menagerie.

The Moon goes into emotional Pisces this afternoon, ramping up what we are feeling. Not that we need any help with that currently.

Add to that Mercury will go into Scorpio making our conversations around death and rebirth. (Never a fun subject.) Mercury will be in Scorpio until November 2nd, so expect more truths to be revealed than you really want to deal with. Things hidden are going to be uncovered and there will be those that do not intend to let anything or anyone off the hook. Expect more investigations into things that make us look at the underlying issues that motivate some and their manner of communication to come into question. Scorpio has a bite to it, and I expect those that tend to excessive behavior to get wildly out of control.

Mercury will also square to Pluto, before it leaves Libra and enters Scorpio. It will be easy to inflate things and get our knickers in a knot. I know it is hard but recognize how this astrology can magnify what is our underlying fear and make us quite insecure and disagreeable. We want more forthcoming information, but we need to respect others … regardless of if we see things from their vantage point. Those with this tendency can move from concern to suspicion … and then quickly into paranoia. It will not be pretty to watch. Those that are locked into obsessive ways of connection and demanding that their perspective is right … will find themselves ostracized even more and that will add to their own discomfort.

Chiron and Mars will square and then Chiron will oppose the Sun. This is not the best combination for honest conversations. In fact, it can add even more insecurity into the mix and make old wounds explode open. There is tension and pressure to make a choice and to make something happen. Just know that right now, we do not have a good sense of timing. In fact, the timing for this to shift is not now. Choices made here can blow up in your face. If we look at what is fueling this irritability, you will discover old anger and resentments that are there causing us to feel defensive and reactive.

We are angry because we are vulnerable, and we know it. We are angry because we do not feel that those in power hear us or have our best interests at heart. There are those that continue to want to undermine confidence in our systems and that makes unstable people do things without really thinking them through. And that is the greatest concern right now. We are at a tipping point and the pots on the stove are ready to boil over.

Today can feel as if there are so many factors working against us rather than with us. The Sun is moving into a T-square with Mars, and it just feels as if things keep ratcheting up. We may lean into defensive postures to hide that we are feeling weak and tremendously disappointed. Instead of wallowing, it is best to decide to get more informed rather than react. Knowledge is power. But you have to have an objective mind that is willing to see more than just our own biases.

The good news is that the Sun and Jupiter are in a trine this evening and we have to finally admit how much we are growing and changing. If we can see our progress, perhaps we can see the progress of others. This aspect is a positive uplevel in a day that seems more down than up. Enjoy it while you can. More is coming on the 17-19th of this month. Let the confidence in this aspect instill you with options that you did not see, or think could be possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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