October 15, 2024

Astrology for October 16, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 15, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 16, 2024

The Moon in Aries is all about expressing personal power. We want to get a fresh start and to do something different. We appreciate those that are direct and honest without being belittling and manipulative. Seems the closer we get to the election the more there are those that believe that they get to lash out with their opinions and prejudices.

To me it is a simple equation. No matter what … no matter what … no matter what … be kind. If you have to put toxic labels on people, you are embodying the negativity that you are projecting onto others. Labels are a way for some to try to invalidate weak people and those that are not coming from a true and authentic place. But if a person is strong in their center and staying true to the kindness and goodness that one wants to offer or share, then such labels do not define that person but will show them who the other actually is. People do not see that they reveal their own dysfunction with the labels the project onto others. This Aries Moon empowers each person to find their own path and to be willing to take the consequences for all one’s choices and actions.

Just remember that no person that is alive is actually “God”. Do not think you ever know all the answers because life is too complex and vast to completely understand in one lifetime.

Listen to you heart … not your hate.

Juno and the Sun align and this makes us want to build trust in each other and to find ways for us to come together. Notice if you are saying or doing anything that just keeps pushing others away. Notice if your inner child is lashing out with childish language and the games of an immature mind. And notice that it does not go anywhere.

This is a day to look at your behavior and the ways your wounding tries to get attention or cause reaction. Know that negativity only generates more negativity. A strong and confident person will not take that negative on and will deflect it and let is just lie on the ground.

Souls that have walked the path a long time know that what someone throws out … is never theirs to pick up but it is one hundred percent the person who is spewing the hatred in the first place.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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