October 16, 2024

Astrology for October 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 17, 2024

I am sure most of us have been feeling this Full Moon. All I can say is “Thank God!” it is showing up this morning so we can figure out how to move on from all the emotions surfacing.

This Moon has called me to respect myself, my intentions, and my choices and to not give a “Rats Ass” about what others think or project. On one level it makes sense because this Aries Full Moon demands that we stand up and step forward. It is time to not back down and to refuse to take on the toxic crap of others.

I find that this Moon has demanded that I reveal a new me and to do it from a place of personal accountability and leadership. It is time to not just back down but to do a battle cry that is so loud and strong that it will strike fear into the hearts of the weak that have been trying to use our compassion and kindness to undermine those things that really matter.

This Full Moon is a symbolic and powerful shift into illuminating everything that is so very wrong and to take no more crap from anyone about anything that is blatantly untrue.

During the last few days … as this Full Moon has been building up a head of steam, it has intensified our emotions, our voice, our intention, and our actions. Just know if you are spewing crap and you know it, expect responses that you are not going to like.

Add to the fact that Venus and Pluto will sextile just as it is leaving Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius and I expect there to be barriers breaking, forceful expressions unfolding externally, and many things are going to get  uncomfortable in the coming weeks.

Oh, you can try to keep to a system, or a strategy but the truth is that what is unfolding is so unique and different that the plot twists are going to come right out of a Michael Crichton novel or movie.

We are demanding a new level of accountability and authenticity. Those that are trying the old games of deception and avoidance through generational chaos are going to find themselves on the losing side.

Because of Venus going into Sagittarius until November 11th, let’s just say that while we might like romantic gestures, a straight forward approach is going to be more refreshing and allow us to feel honored and respected. We are tired of people treating us as stupid. Seems it is time to show them how very smart we are.

What is coming is a one-two punch. The first punch is about shattering the delusions. The second punch is about demanding clarity.

As both of those bubbles get shattered, we are forced to embrace the uncomfortable truth and the seek a higher meaning because we have a long road of hard work ahead of us.

As the Moon moves into Taurus at 4 pm Eastern Time today, things will try to calm down a bit. But it may make some even more bull-headed and stubborn.

It is clear that some will refuse to change but them resisting and dragging their feet will only get them caught by the massive tsunami that is just on the horizon.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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