October 18, 2024

Astrology for October 19, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 18, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 19, 2024

The Moon tries to keep us grounded and focused on what needs to be done as it is in Taurus till 4 pm Eastern time. As it finishes up in this sign it will align with Uranus, and we will continue to feel the trembling’s of big changes in the air and through all our senses. When so much is in flux it is best to sit back and wait on the will of heaven to guide us forward.

If you don’t know … then don’t go!

That is the motto for today. This day is filled with many forms of effort, and I expect us to put our backs into new things and have to wipe the sweat off our brow.

There is an air of excitement, but the direction seems blown in like a storm taking us in an uncertain direction.

Once the Moon shifts into Gemini, our gift of gab returns in full force and we want to talk about the implications as to what is happening and how that is going to impact us in the future. This can feel as if there are lots of conversations needing to be had all at once and it might be difficult to track and keep organized in our minds.

It is a day of change.

It is a day for looking past the eyes and see where the hearts are standing.

It is a day to remember that a feast can calm minds and open hearts.

It is a day to find contentment in what is real and true.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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