October 20, 2024

Astrology for October 21, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 21, 2024

The Moon starts off in Gemini and for the past few days it has shifted our focus from home to the broader world. Time to sit down and look at those papers that are about the voting process if you haven’t already voted.

Ask the question, “What kind of world do we want to create?” Clearly, we want a way to bring the duality into a better balance. We want the discord to calm down, and we want kindness and concern for our fellow man and world to become the new focus.

But the Moon will go into Cancer, and we seem to want to look at what will give us more security and safety. The world seems a dangerous place. Many souls are in such a state of confusion and upset that rational thought can be something hard to come by. We need more souls in positions of influence that support inclusive ways to bring us together rather than tear us apart. And that become even more important today as we move in our daily lives.

Neptune and Mercury will sesquiquadrate and Mercury is beginning to touch a trine to Saturn. Remember the phrase, “Look both ways before crossing the street?” We are clearly going to need to proceed with caution as we move forward. Too many are (metaphorically) driving too fast and distracted by what they are dealing with and with what they are feeling inside. The world sits on the edge of a knife. To pretend otherwise is fool hearty.

Details seem more complicated than normal to address. We want to get to the bottom of an issue but the layers of details to slog through … seem daunting. Expect this day to feel challenging. We want to have things come at us in a simple way. But that is not going to be this day. We need a system to sort everything happening but just remember that today, the best way to get through is to make piles, put things into time files, and to only do what is most important right now.

That means that everything does not need to get done today. Many things might need to be set to the side for another day. Do what is immediately necessary rather than those things that we feel obsessively compelled to get done. If you try to do too much, you will only end up feeling frazzled and aggravated.

Keep conversations short. There is no need to over share today. Most are not listening anyway. Keep your expectations to a minimum. That way you will not be disappointed.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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