October 23, 2024

Astrology for October 23, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 23, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 23, 2024

The Moon in Cancer brings our focus back to home. We are in the mood for the familiar and a bit of quiet. Seems we don’t really want any drama today but clearly the world will try to drag you back into its drama … one way or the other. That can make us want to turn off the television and sit by the fireplace and read a good book. That is probably the best idea for the moment.

Jupiter and Mercury will quintile and while this might be a bit subtle, it is still effective in organizing our thoughts into reliable actions. If you want to take on a project, today, you feel more capable to be successful at it.

The Moon wants to sit back and drift off into another reality, yet, the quintile wants an intellectual challenge. It might be tricky to balance these two agendas. The Moon is personal in wanting to find a moment to rest. But it will align with Mars and that is going to give us the get up and go to initiate something new.

This astrology today seems to be pushing us from one end of the spectrum to another. The Moon wants a pause and everything else is going to get frustrated if we don’t do something.

It will help that the Moon will sextile to Uranus and our creative side at least is out in full force. Write down some of those ideas. They might be golden later.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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