October 23, 2024

Astrology for October 24, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 23, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 24, 2024

The Moon goes into Leo today and we are also in the process of the Moon squaring the Sun. Seems we need to stop and think things through before leaping into the fray. Today is not the day to push. It is the day to think back at our previous interactions and decide if our old patterns were effective overall. If not, we need to come up with a new strategy. But that needs to be something carefully thought through before enacting. In fact, it might be wise to have others review your plan before giving it a go.

Everything feels as if we are holding our breath over the next few weeks. There is a New Moon on November 2nd and on the 3rd, I expect some upset to unfold that will target one group to try to negatively influence people that live on the edges of distrust and uncertainty. Everything in our soul is craving movement but even though we have Mars in a sextile to Uranus, we feel as if we are trying to get traction on rolling gravel.

In such moments, it is easy to want to point fingers and blame someone … anyone for this feeling that just does not seem to go away. However, fueling old issues is not going to make you be able to go back in time and correct them. What’s done is done. The answers are forward not backward. Look at your dreams and let them lead you forward into a new potential. Have the courage to step away from people and situations that are toxic.

We are in a place where we cannot carry anyone else. We must let others go and move from a place that allows us to fully live. After all, you are worth it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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