October 24, 2024

Astrology for October 25, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 24, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 25, 2024

The Leo Moon gives us a bit of generosity and compassion to those around us. We are asked to take a look at where we are most devoted. For each person that is something different. But where we are passionate will define our purpose in this reality.

Do you know what actually defines who and what you are? You can tell by what lights a fire in your gut, in your imagination, and in your heart. Life is about learning to follow those sparks that are like breadcrumbs showing you the path that will give you fulfillment and wisdom.

When we are young, life is about experiences and doing. When we are old, it is about having the tools to share the wisdom you carry with others.

When you actively seek to find the depth inside, you find the connections outside that are in that same place and path. This is a magnetic attraction that guides you to each other. That is how we connect to those who resonate with us.

Today, open to that potential. Allow in those that are vibrating at a similar frequency and see what you might create together.

This is a day of partnership. A day that you can feel good about yourself and in so doing, you are willing to give more and initiate things that you might have not tried. It can put you into a leadership position and those around you might see you in a new light.

Just remember to keep that bouncing, playful spirit and allow your competitive side to sit this day out. Let something inside grow into a pattern that will give you great satisfaction down the road. The more devoted you are to the expansion of your own spirit, the more you will have to contribute to the various forms of wisdom you will carry as you get older.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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