October 25, 2024

Astrology for October 26, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 25, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 26, 2024

We awaken to a Moon still shining brightly in Leo. But this morning, the Moon will move into the more meticulous and detailed sign of Virgo.

Perhaps we will listen more closely. Perhaps we will go over the details and see something that we previously missed. What we seek is clarity and a way to practically apply what we know in ways that help and serve others.

This Virgo Moon can make us either critical of when others make mistakes, or it can make us more sensitive to the negative barbs that verbally come out from others.

Today the Sun and Neptune will biquintile helping us look down the road to how our actions are either motivated by our spiritual side and universal truths or if we are going to continue to be motivated by the illusions and delusions of our mind and ego.

This biquintile pattern will mostly want to move in a way that is uplifting but know that attachments to making a point and being right will only get us more deeply ensnared by the negative things that seem to be everywhere in this world.

Vesta and Pluto will trine and that makes us even more determined to get to our goals and to make our dreams into a reality. What is good is that we have quite a bit of ambition to work with and that can lead us to find resources that will give us a step up in gaining what we long for. If we work this properly, we can get a lot accomplished today.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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