October 26, 2024

Astrology for October 27, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 26, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 27, 2024

The Virgo Moon makes our minds sharp and perceptive of the many things happening all around us.

Mercury will move into quincunxes with both Chiron (the wounded/healer/teacher) and Jupiter (the planet of expansion, money, love, and abundance).

On one level the Virgo Moon tries to help us gain insight into the complicated workings of our current world. Mercury wants to understand what in the “H*ll” is going on with everyone. The choices of many are of concern and we live in a world where there are those that have followed and believed a story that has been fed them. It has taken them down a path that may not be real or accurate. That path to them is logical. And they will not be dissuaded from that path or choice so remember trying to change closed minds is not worth the effort.

Good reasoning is based on having truthful information. We can see how certain people have come to conclusions based on the inaccuracies that they have completely believed. This is not a time to judge but to recognize how this has come about, and it will be up to us to figure out how we can find a way to come back together.

Jupiter wants to protect those that need it the most. Chiron reminds us that there is a lot healing that is going to be required. And Pluto is preparing to go back into Aquarius for the long haul and that shows us that this path towards healing … will take decades.

What we cannot do … is overestimate that we know everything. What we cannot do is underestimate the seriousness of the situation.

Today is not the day to leap into anything without looking. Look at the agenda of people that is behind their words. Know that so much is happening right now, that the chances of miscommunication are high, and any decisions made now are not clear. It is best to wait until we know how it will all go.

Mars and Venus will sesquiquadrate and this only adds to the tension. We are feeling the strong competitive edges that are happening all around us. Know that it is best to move from a calm center rather than an impulsive place of needing to be right.

Know that the tensions are going to keep rising and that is why we need to move away from those that only want to make things more confusing and seem to want to pick a fight.

There are many issues boiling below the surface creating a type of tension that is unhealthy for all of us to deal with. There are too many complicated issues to be able to fully understand them all … much less make sense out of them.

I know everyone wants things to make sense. But we can only understand things slightly above our current level of awareness. What is clear at this time is that there are many that do not care about more awareness or knowing the facts. They want to make emotional choices from their feeling body rather than sanity. That is a dangerous combination.

And in the end those choices lead only to more suffering not less.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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