October 27, 2024

Astrology for October 28, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 28, 2024

The Moon will be in Virgo all the way to the very end. As most of us are sleeping, the Moon will move into Libra and on Tuesday we will all wake up feeling a more balanced mindset hopefully inside and outside. But for today the Moon is in Virgo and we are being asked to make a list and check it twice. Attending to the details matters and finishing up things and accomplishing a task is right where we want to be.

Neptune and Mars are trying to work things out as they are in a trine today. Each planet prefers its particular viewpoint. Mars would like to lash out. Neptune would like to escape this reality. But the goal in a trine is for them to work it out in creative new ways. Ideally, the path could be to inspire others, dive into art in a passionate way, and to use this moment to release anger and instead to move towards forgiveness. When we learn how to work with the fire energies (Mars) inside and allow the water energies (Neptune) to work in harmony, we could create powerful steam engines that can carry us forward.

Today is a day to act on our dreams and to move from places that are inspired. It is also a day to not follow the pre-established rules of others. Ultimatums are not going to work in this reality. Pushing people to do things never works in the long run. We need to learn to listen to our heart and to follow our intuitive knowing rather than our mind.

I watch so many who have made up stories about things, but they are simply defending what their mind needs to believe to be true. That is not about feeling deep into one’s core, nor is that about listening from your heart. But it is amazing how many intelligent people do that when they deny their own issues and fears and project them out into the world.

Venus and Saturn will go into a square, so things can feel odd because Saturn wants to make sure of things and stay grounded in its approach. Venus wants to go on a lark and just have fun. Bottom line is to beware of your spending. Money that is essential can slip through your fingers if you are not careful.

You could be waiting for something. But that thing just does not seem to be coming your way in the time expected. Just know you are not alone. In a few weeks that pattern will unravel enough to allow what is to be yours to filter in.

Overall, we seem more in the mood to take care of ourselves and not necessarily include others in the process. We are not in the mood for feedback from those that cannot really understand where we are coming from.

Because the money feels tight we are not as generous as we would like in this moment, but the truth is that we should not spend what we don’t have. Don’t worry, this too will change. Just be patient.

Jupiter and the Sun will sesquiquadrate. These are the two biggest celestial bodies in our solar system and when they team up, we can’t help but want more. We can feel fired up about many things. But we have to be careful in overdoing. This is not the time to over-extend. In truth, our reserves are actually quite low. Protect yourself and those you love. Put everything else off to the side for another time.

~Suzanne Wagner!

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