October 3, 2024

Astrology for October 3, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 3, 2024


The Moon in Libra all day reminds us to take our time and to go slow. Sometimes we need to move at a different rate and flow for us to find a new place of balance.

It might be hard to know fact from fiction with Venus and Neptune in a minor square. Just notice if you are being gullible and falling for a line that someone wants you to swallow.

If the person presenting the information is obviously flawed, you just need to recognize that the chances that you are being duped are high. Don’t make big decisions right now. You are being intentionally blinded or fooled. Wait until the dust settles. Things will become clearer and you will be happy that you waited before making proclamations.

Mercury and Saturn will quincunx and that can feel as if there is just too much to handle at the moment. There are communication snarls, and we need to question our motives and the mental perspectives of others. Doubt is a good thing today because you can’t really trust what another is trying to convince you of.

This is a day where taking a break is a better choice over pushing ahead. That is because you really are not sure where you are going, or why you think you need to go in that direction.

Today, small things can feel quite annoying.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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