Astrology for October 30, 2024
The Moon continues in Libra and while we long and yearn for harmony and a more balanced world. It will have to suffice to work … once more on ourselves, and recognize that all souls are walking a path that will eventually lead them home. We are here to do what we can to make a better world. Today, we try to do that in our own small ways and let the “fates” of this world determine the next course humanity will take.
Our world continues to be filled with both the good and the bad. And in each moment, we have a choice as to which side of our nature we choose to feed. We all know when we are motivated by kindness and concern or if we are being motivated by our own selfish needs and desires. It is not a hard line to discern if we are moving from our mind or our heart. But there are those that are still learning that discernment and too often we learn only through making choices and seeing outcomes.
Uranus and Mercury will go into opposition, so expect everyone to have an opinion. And many of them will be contrary to your own. But more and more will begin to see through the haze of intentional deception and begin to move past the illusions they have created in their own mind. For some the tension is going to escalate to a level that is uncomfortably unfamiliar. For others this might be exactly the level of discomfort that allows them to finally change their minds.
Because we are in unfamiliar territory, this causes a type of openness of the mind and so it could be the best moment to speak authentically and from a place of honor and respect for all, with concern for what is yet to come. What is clear is that we are going to be asked to look past our own mind and notice what our own choices have brought.
~Suzanne Wagner~