October 4, 2024

Astrology for October 4, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 4, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 4, 2024


The Moon moves intensely into Scorpio with drama and flair. Many things point to more information coming in that is shocking and quite devastating. Hidden plans begin to unfold and are seen. We will all feel as if we are waiting with bated breath for the next installment of transformation that is happening.

Uranus keeps getting into the acts as it is at the final degrees of Taurus. What has not yet been learned will need to be learned. And quickly!

Add to that, the Sun will sesquiquadrate with Uranus and I expect someone or some group to make a powerful move that might shock and exacerbate things quite a bit.

Intentions become clear and we are on the fast pace to require all those in play to be accountable and responsible for what is about to take place.


While we are all going to need patience watching from the outside, know that patience is not a quality that certain governments and those in power want to play out in their games that will eventually impact all of us.


We are surrounded by paths that all have crazy detours taking us off in directions that we were not really prepared to go.


Venus and Saturn will form a trine and that at least can help us make sense out of all the dramatic emotions we have been feeling.

Keep to the rules of Venus. Be kind, speak courteously, only speak when you feel balanced, and remember to express loyalty when it is well placed. Love (Venus) is a constant in the wild equations of life. Love connects us and binds us. Love shows us that we are not here to just get what we want but to learn to give to others what they may need.


No matter what, approach all things from a very mature viewpoint. After all, we have much to do, and time is running short. It is time to get to work and make things happen.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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