October 8, 2024

Astrology for October 8, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 8, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 8, 2024


The Moon in Sagittarius continues to make us look at our choices and how they impact the next levels of trust and expression that are needed for us to continue to grow in healthy ways.

Jupiter will oppose the Moon and so inflated words and ideas are rampant. Know that much of the stuff coming out today … probably … cannot be trusted and it should all be double checked for accuracy. This type of aspect will be used by people to promote confusion and misinformation.

Jupiter is appearing to go still in the sky as it prepares to go retrograde. Whenever planets decide to shift from forward to back, it is important to know that it muddies the waters and makes things unclear. That is an indicator that we should question those things in greater detail.

Mars and Venus are in a trine and doing their best to get along. This is a part of today that is more encouraging rather than discouraging. We feel as if we get back into our own flow and recognize that to be a whole person we need to find how to make our relationships flow, how to make work progress, and how to allow our creative side to have a constructive expression. Romance thrives and we are willing to engage in ways that are more fulfilling with those we love.

Relationships bring out the best in us and we strive towards mutual goals that will allow us to come together and find ways to share and become stronger. We feel as if we do not need to sacrifice our needs for the needs of others. Our confidence returns and we begin to feel better on many levels. Use this moment to create bonds with family that matter and that make a difference over time.

A new side of us … begins to come out and we are very willing to take a more positive approach and see things from a higher perspective and overview.

We want to clear out the old and bring in a new way of being. Many positive things begin to happen, and we are receiving lots of good news from many angles. This is a rare moment to get rid of so much debt and to free ourselves from those things that have been holding us back.

Mercury and Chiron will oppose, and we have to be careful to not pretend we are someone we are not. We need to recognize if something we are saying or doing is about to open us up to any forms of criticism. Try to see what others are doing as simply different rather than wrong or bad. Don’t make mountains out of molehills. There is enough drama in this world right now.

On the opposite end, we cannot let rampant optimism take over either. Vigilance is required on many levels. The lessons are always to be authentic, careful, thoughtful, and caring.

Today can feel like a push and a pull. Remember that many things will try to cause you to go into upset. Just don’t let them. Never let others disrupt your own sense of peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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