September 10, 2024

Astrology for September 11, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 10, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 11, 2024

It is no accident that tensions rise as we move into the First Quarter of this Moon. It is a reminder that strength comes from learning to balance those tensions with instinct and heart. Those that have no self-control breed conflict and see monsters in every corner. But those that seek wisdom move with this energy from the place of wanting to uncover what are behind the monsters’ masks so we can better understand human nature, and our own weaknesses.

We may notice those whose ambitions are aggressive and have the intent to cause confusion and harm. And yet, we sense a light that is moving straight, powerfully, and direct with the intention to cut through the chaos and darkness that wants to swallow us.

Venus and Saturn will Quincunx adding even more on our plates. We seem to keep underestimating what the universe expects from us. If you feel as if many things that had momentum seemed to have stopped their forward progression, you are not wrong. The retrograde Pluto is asking us to feel into what is attempting to be born and put our energy into clarity and to define what we want from the universe going forward. But the clarity does not seem to be there, and we know that we must find a path that has not yet presented itself. Take your time. Don’t push in this astrology. Wait for the feelings of clarity direct your next actions.

The Moon will end its journey through Sagittarius late this evening. We will rise to a Capricorn Moon tomorrow and perhaps things will make more sense as the structure presents itself and we feel the rules begin to make sense as they redefine and move in another direction.

Mercury will sextile with Mars, and we feel more alert, and our decisions seem better and clearer. Confidence replaces confusion and we feel as if we are becoming more authentic and becoming true to ourselves. In an odd way it feels wonderful. And we know that we have to become more straightforward with others even if it might cause confusion and upset. We are tired of keeping silent. We cannot condone destructive tendencies, beliefs, or actions in others anymore. And that will free our heart and soul to ascend to the next level.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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