September 13, 2024

Astrology for September 14, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 13, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 14, 2024


The Moon will shift out of the determined sign of Capricorn and into Aquarius as we are sleeping. So, we awake to a day that seems to be blooming with the hope of a new human potential.

Chiron and the Virgo Sun will quincunx and this dims the powerful light of this Sun and makes us take hard looks at who we are and what our chosen path is leading us towards. If you don’t like how that is looking, you might want to see into what needs to change and how we can realize that making mistakes does not matter. But what does is continuing to make those same choices once we recognize the error in our judgment. Seems it is time to face the music and to recognize that not changing puts us even more in places where we become an anchor to an old pattern that is no longer relevant. While confidence is lacking on many levels we also feel quite uncertain and as if our choices are feeling less authentic and more dysfunctional.

Doubt is a disease that destroys our potential and hope. We need to fess up to what we have done wrong and instead do the hard work to clear new ground and start again.

Opportunities will always come your way but you will need to recognize that they come when we prove to the universe that we are committed and serious about that change that is required.

Because of Venus and Jupiter moving well tomorrow, we feel hopeful that if we put our faith in ourselves and learn who we can trust, we can gain some momentum to shift.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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