September 15, 2024

Astrology for September 15, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 15, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 15, 2024


The Aquarius Moon makes us see what we need to see but what we are afraid to see. If we want honesty in our world, we are going to have to get honest with ourselves. This Moon is all about objectivity and discernment. We cannot expect others to take us seriously if we are not willing to take ourselves seriously and do what is required rather that shirk our responsibilities and ignore what is so obviously a problem at this time.

Venus and Jupiter will trine and that at least gives us a chance to see and embrace those things that we enjoy. Remember to give others a bit of latitude. Don’t rain on anyone’s dreams today. It will feel even more cruel than normal.

With Uranus and Saturn biquintiling to Venus, we are looking for the right moment to leap into something new or to take action. We are not quite ready but we are preparing to be ready. What we need is a plan. Today, write out the logistics that are going to require your attention. We are going to need a checklist. It will give you a sense of satisfaction to cross things off. There is a lot to do in the next two weeks. We have to pace ourselves and chip a bit off each day.

When you look at others … notice if you are judging or if you are appreciating the unique qualities that they offer.

Venus and Saturn will parallel and this allows us to take a look at things from a more serious angle and we will need to find a way to stay the course and do things not just for ourselves but that support others in the process.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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