September 28, 2024

Astrology for September 29, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 28, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 29, 2024


This morning (while most are asleep), the Moon will go into meticulous and detailed Virgo. Time to get it together and stop putting delays on things. There is no time like the present. With so much happening on so many levels. We are finally able to get out of our own way and do what is necessary.

This Libra Sun and Mercury are all lined up raring to go. And while the alignment is actually tomorrow, the stage is set, and we are in a dress rehearsal for what is about to be performed.

Today, the South Node and the Moon make us feel a bit stuck. The tendency is to over think things and to either stress yourself out or feel as if you are behind the 8 ball with nowhere to move. It is a moment when you realize how much you have been going through for the past many days, weeks, and months. Seems the level of deep exhaustion has caught up to us. What is clear is that those things that used to be of great comfort to us are anything but. We know we are moving on, but it is with a wayward and nostalgic glance backwards over our shoulders that we wistfully say goodbye.

We have other talents that need our expression and attention. We just do not want to go backwards to the old patterns. Even that thought makes us feel sick. So, it is time to find positive ways to embrace what we are becoming.

Saturn and Mars will trine, and it will be even more powerful tomorrow. But for today, we need to pat ourselves on the back and remember that through it all we were determined to persevere.

The choices are in front of us. We move forward with a more directed and powerful stance, and we realize that while progress has been slow … it has been steady.

We see that it has been our personal stance which was to stay kind and loving while we also learned how to approach things with moderation. Things seem to have  finally paid off. Take a break and allow that understanding to come fully into play.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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