September 6, 2024

Astrology for September 7, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 6, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 7, 2024

The Moon in Scorpio adds intensity and drama. Not like many of us want or need that at the moment. This Moon connects with the energy, gumption, and drive of Mars as it is freshly moved into the sign of Cancer. Feelings of protection grow, and our instincts are sharpened. Expression of emotions will stir up things that were long latent in our deep subconscious. And those feelings are pleasant and could be even passionate.

The asteroid Pallas will sextile to Pluto and if you are willing to put in the effort, then you will have the ability to see through the current dilemma and find some elusive answers. Today is a great to understand how insight can be healing and organized thoughts can help us calm the mind and allow us to think more clearly.

The Sun and Saturn are almost at their yearly opposition. Work seems important and responsibilities weigh heavy on our mind. There will be some places that the feelings can become overwhelming as you look ahead to what may be required of us and we may even doubt that we have what it takes to do what is being asked of us. Just remember that sometimes if you fake it, then you find the way to make it through. Don’t let the negative looming set the path in front of you.

Yes, there will be obstacles to deal with. There are always things that come up unexpectedly. Don’t see the problems as an indicator that you aren’t supposed to try. Just keep your expectations reasonable and take responsibility for those things that are actually yours to handle.

It is time to look ahead to what will be required of us down the road. Current restrictions are designed to make us go slow and not miss any steps.

Remember to be kind and authentic. Take a more mature approach and don’t think the world is out to get you.

We have things we just need to get on top of and now is a good time to do just that.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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